Graph editing and complex topologies

We can edit principal graphs or build principal graphs with complex topologies by adding/deleting paths between nodes.

Let’s start by creating a more complex dataset to fit

import elpigraph
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# load toy data
X_tree = np.loadtxt('../data/tree_data.csv',delimiter=',')[:,:2]
n = 30
x = np.repeat(1.2,n) + np.random.normal(scale=.05,size=n)
y = np.linspace(0,1,n)

X_tree_loop = np.vstack((X_tree, np.hstack((x[:,None],y[:,None]))))


We can fit a principal graph with tree topology to the dataset, but it won’t capture the loop

pg_tree = elpigraph.computeElasticPrincipalTree(

In this case we can add paths to the graph by fitting principal curves between two nodes.

After adding the paths, the entire graph can optionally be refitted.

Elasticity parameters of cycle edges can be tuned separately and setting them lower can sometimes give better results

new_pg = elpigraph._graph_editing.addPath(X_tree_loop,pg_tree,4,25,refit_graph=False)
new_pg_refit = elpigraph._graph_editing.addPath(X_tree_loop,pg_tree,4,25,refit_graph=True)
new_pg_refit2 = elpigraph._graph_editing.addPath(X_tree_loop,pg_tree,4,25,refit_graph=True,Mu=.1,Lambda=.01,cycle_Mu=.01,cycle_Lambda=.001)
axs[0].set_title('Adding path without refitting graph')
axs[1].set_title('Adding path and refitting graph')
axs[2].set_title('Adding path and refitting graph \nUsing:\n cycle_Mu = Mu/10 \ncycle_Lambda = Lambda/10')

We can also guess paths to add based on simple heuristics, e.g.: the path connects nodes that are close in space,

far along the graph and the resulting cycle doesn’t contain many points

This is implemented by findPaths().

new_PG = elpigraph.findPaths(X_tree_loop,pg_tree,verbose=1,plot=True,)
Using default parameters: max_n_points=26, radius=0.52, min_node_n_points=2, min_path_len=6, nnodes=6
testing 0 candidates
Found no valid path to add

Default parameters (radius in particular) are too strict and no candidates are found.

We can make the search more permissive by changing parameters

# printing suggestions with verbose
new_PG = elpigraph.findPaths(X_tree_loop,pg_tree,max_inner_fraction=.15,radius=1,verbose=1)
Using default parameters: max_n_points=26, radius=1.00, min_node_n_points=2, min_path_len=6, nnodes=6
testing 22 candidates
Suggested paths:
  source node  target node  inner fraction     MSE  n° of points in path
           25            4           0.134  0.0047                   101
# plotting suggestions with plot
new_PG = elpigraph.findPaths(X_tree_loop,pg_tree,max_inner_fraction=.15,radius=1,plot=1)

The output PG dictionary contains the graph with all suggested paths added. In this case we only added one
